Patty Mondore's latest book! Just released!

Good Paddling!
Lessons about Life, Learned on the Lake

ISBN 0-7880-2441-8
132 pgs / Price $12.95

It's time to sit back, put on your life jacket, and get ready for an adventure as the author, Patty Mondore, shares a few of the lessons about life that she's learned on the lake. What you need is A Good Paddling! Anyone who has spent time on the water would probably agree that there are endless discoveries to be made in God's amazingly beautiful, natural world. The author will share lessons about faith and hope, failure and forgiveness, work and play, sorrow and joy, and yes, even about love.

A Good Paddling is a collection of thirty nautical adventures written from the unique perspective of the author's kayak. Patty's tales are written in a narrative style that invite the reader to share her kayaking experiences along with her whether it's through laughter, joy, horror, humiliation, or even a quiet awe. You will see the spectacular sunset, visit a beaver's lodge, go for a moonlight cruise, and even take a spill or two along the way. In each chapter the author takes the reader on short excursions that provide a front row seat to various aspects of God's marvelous creation.

Several of the stories in A Good Paddling are adventures that were previously published in local and regional newspapers. It is the response Patty got from the readers that prompted her to put this collection together.  Now anyone who loves the water can own the entire collection. You can now purchase a copy for anyone who you think needs A Good Paddling.

A Good Paddling, is ready for immediate shipment with autograph.

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